4 Reasons Event Marketing Boosts Customer Engagement

Four Reasons Event Marketing Boosts Customer Engagement - Raleigh

Events are no longer a “nice to have” part of your public relations strategy. They have become an important factor in beating competitors to the draw. Organizations across the spectrum now produce events, with accounting firms, tech companies, nonprofits and publishers all getting in on the action. There are even companies holding virtual events, especially in the technology space. Here are some of the reasons our Raleigh marketing agency believes events are vital for customer engagement.

Reason #1: Statistics Support Event Marketing

According to the Event Marketing 2018 Benchmarks and Trends report, 80% of marketers believe live events are critical to their company’s success. 31% believe event marketing is the single-most effective marketing channel, and 95% agree that live events give attendees a valuable opportunity to develop in-person connections in an increasingly digital world.

Reason #2: Events Build Branding and Awareness

Events Build Branding and Awareness - Raleigh marketing agency

Brand-building is a necessary factor in customer engagement, and event marketing allows a company to cultivate and express its brand identity firsthand to its target audience. Events are the ideal avenue for sharing your ideas, thoughts and branding in the precise way you want to showcase them. In addition, members of the media often come to industry events, which can result in a feature article that delivers great exposure for your brand.

Reason #3: Generating Hot Leads

Getting local members of your target audience into a particular space enables your company sales people to interact with prospects who already know who you are and have an interest in your products or services. Face-to-face interaction can provide customer engagement opportunities that enhance your relationship and build trust with prospects. Posting about the events on social media and tagging attendees provides a chance for them to engage online too, which is a secondary opportunity to build the connection. Our Raleigh marketing agency can help you convert leads from your marketing activities into sales that increase your revenue.

Reason #4: Customer Retention

Customer Retention - Raleigh marketing agency

Customer engagement isn’t only about finding new business, but also getting more business from your existing clients. It’s a well-known fact that it costs a lot more to secure a new customer than to keep an old one. Event marketing that allows your current clients to interact with representatives and other stakeholders is an excellent way to foster those relationships and improve your customer retention.

Types of Events to Use for Customer Engagement

Customer engagement events come in all shapes and sizes, and the event marketing you choose should align with your business strategy and audience. Some events our Raleigh marketing agency considers the most popular include:

Online Events

Online Events - Raleigh marketing agency

Digital activities connect your company and client through a web-based interface. Some of the most popular online events include webinars, live streaming events and virtual conferences.

Physical Events

Physical Events - Raleigh marketing agency

Attending in-person events enables the face-to-face relationship building that is so important. Don’t underestimate the effect of a handshake or a personal chat on a prospect or customer.

Tradeshows, conferences, seminars, networking breakfasts, lunches or dinners, or sponsorship of sporting or community activities related to your industry can all serve as excellent event marketing opportunities.

For more information on how to include event marketing in your customer engagement strategy, contact our Raleigh marketing agency at 919-460-7978 to set up a consultation.


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